Walter B. Gibson Wizard of Words
by William V. Rauscher
(Out of Print)
This 22 page 8 1/2 X11 monograph with photos concerns the life and contribution
of Walter B. Gibson, who was known around the world for his hundreds of authored
books. Gibson's subject matter ranged from puzzles, science, psychics, stage magic,
games and and most well known, his literary creation of Lamont Cranston - THE
Gibson authored 283 novels of The Shadow under the pseudonym of Maxwell Grant.
As a legend in his own time he was also closely associated in writing projects
with such famous personalities as Houdini, Thurston, Blackstone, Dunninger and
the Great Raymond. He hosted and wrote countless scripts for mystery stories including
the early radio program, "Strange." He also authored more than 125 other
books on various subjects. His creative literary output produced a staggering
estimated total of over 29 million words.
The author writes from the viewpoint of his many years of friendship with Gibson
and details his incredible career with perceptive insight into his personality
and achievements.
(8 1/2 X 11 - 18 pages - card stock cover with 21 photos/illustrations. |