| An overview of the books by William V. Rauscher that have been published. |
Arthur Ford | - The Man Who Talked With the Dead (Co-author) (Hardback and Paperback) |
S. S. Adams | - High Priest of Pranks and Merchant of Magic |
Magic in Rhyme | - A Magician's Anthology of Poems, Verses and Limericks |
RM&S - An Autobiography | Religion, Magic, and the Supernatural.
- The Autobiography, Reflections, and Essays of an Episcopal Priest |
Goebel | - The Man With The Magical Mind |
Kalanag | - The story of Helmut Schreiber - Magician during Hitler's Germany then after the war, toured with a famous show. |
Ron Urban | - The Urban Legend, Master Magician and Showman |
Weird Wonders | Ladies and gentleman, prepare to be amazed, amused, and astounded by the strange and wonderful curiosities found on the inside of a new book, Weird and Awesome Wonders by William V. Rauscher. A spectacular amalgamation of strange and bizarre exhibits has been assembled for your reading pleasure! |
Nivelli | - Magician of the Holocaust |